Why do you need a property manager?

KPM Group - Property Management Company Ireland - KPM Group - Landlord tips - Taxes

Becoming a Landlord can be a very rewarding experience. More often than not your investment will return a steady flow of income. This unfortunately isn’t always the case as some landlords end up with tenants who don’t pay their rent on time, or damage the property resulting in costly repairs. It’s at this point most […]

Income threshold increases on cost rental scheme.

KPM Group - Property Management Company Ireland - Landlord Tips: 5 Ways to save money

It has been announced this week that the government’s “Cost rental scheme” will have its thresholds increased. The current limit stands at €53,000 nationwide, but the new threshold will see Dublin’s income limit increased to €66,00 with all other areas being increased to €59,000. In this article, we will look at what the scheme is, […]

Property Investment slows in the commercial sector

KPM Group - Property Management Services Ireland

According to Industry experts during the first half of 2023, the Irish commercial property market suffered the third sharpest decline out of 27 European countries in investment.  With many investors and real estate specialists saying the market is at a near standstill. There were high hopes that the market might start to rebound after a […]

Landlords need letting and management agents more than ever


In recent years Ireland has shifted significantly towards a tenant-centric approach, marked by a growing emphasis on providing better incentives, tax benefits, and improved tenant accommodation options. As tenant rights continue to gain traction and become increasingly entrenched in the real estate sector, the role of landlords has grown increasingly more complicated with each passing […]

Irish mortgage rates rise above the eurozone average further hikes are expected

KPM Group - Property Management Company Ireland - 2022 Outlook

New data released from the Central Bank reveals that mortgage rates in Ireland have surpassed the average rates in the Eurozone.  This follows the eighth consecutive increase in interest rates by the European Central Bank last month. In May alone,  the average interest rate for new mortgages in Ireland stood at 3.84%, up from 3.63% […]

Hundreds of Property Owners Lodge Appeals Against New Tax to Spur Building on Vacant Land

KPM Group - Property Management Blog - Ireland - Changes to Local Property Tax

In a recent development, hundreds of property owners have lodged planning appeals against a new tax aimed at encouraging construction on vacant land.  The appeals, totalling 600, have added to the mounting workload of An Bord Pleanála, the planning appeals board, which is already grappling with a significant backlog of planning files. To address this […]

Mortgage Approvals For First-Time Buyers Hit Record High | Landlord Tips

KPM Group - Property Management Company Ireland - KPM Group - Property Management Company Ireland - House Price Rises Peaking 2022

Despite property prices hitting a new high in May, a record number of mortgage applications were still approved for first-time buyers.  Last month, more than 3000 applications were submitted and approved for first-time home buyers, these applications represent an overwhelming 64% of all the approved home loans in May. This is the highest recorded level […]

How to evict a tenant in Ireland | Landlord Guide

One of the most difficult parts of being a landlord is evicting tenants. A landlord can choose to evict tenants for many reasons, not all of them are down to a breach of the contract. Regardless of the why, a landlord can not just simply ask tenants to leave, some processes need to be followed. […]