How to get an Energy Grant?


According to the Chair of the Irish Academy of Engineering, Ireland is the worst prepared country in Europe for an energy crisis. This comes just weeks after it was estimated that Ireland’s backup emergency generators would not be ready for winter. But there is light at the end of the tunnel, the SEAI has extended […]

How do you qualify for energy grants?


Ireland is in the presorpous of an energy disaster, amid concerns over lack of preparation and redundancy for winter, we look at what help is available to make your property(s) more energy sustainable. In a recent article we covered Individual Energy Upgrade Grants, but this is only one of the two grants available to Irish […]

Renewable Energy – What does it mean for landlords and tenants?

property management dublin

The property sector now finds itself at the centre of environmental policy changes which will have implications on landlords and tenants that are only just beginning to be fully appreciated. With the ever increasing pressure for properties to produce less energy waste, we ask – what can we be doing to reduce our carbon footprint? […]