What Incentives Are Available for Landlords in Ireland?

KPM Group - Property Management Company Ireland - Landlord Tips: 5 scams to avoid

Ireland offers a range of tax reliefs and allowances to support buy-to-let investors and landlords. While not quite as generous as in the past, these measures help improve net rental yields and cash flow. Professional advice is key to maximising benefits. Tax Relief on Mortgage Interest Ireland allows landlords to deduct mortgage interest payments as […]

Is Now a Good Time to Become a Commercial Landlord?

Is Now a Good Time to Become a Commercial Landlord?

The Irish commercial property market has seen its ups and downs over the past decade, leaving potential investors to wonder if the current climate is ideal for becoming a commercial landlord. With economic resilience and pent-up demand driving growth in various sectors, there are compelling reasons to explore this investment avenue. However, as with any […]

Landlord Insurance: Do you need it?

As professional property managers, KPM Property Management understands the importance of protecting your investment properties. That’s why we strongly recommend our clients to have comprehensive landlord insurance in place. But what exactly is landlord insurance, and why do you need it? Landlord Insurance Explained Landlord insurance is similar to homeowner’s insurance but designed specifically for […]

Everything You Need To Know About Rent Pressure Zones (RPZs)

Rent pressure zones (RPZs), which have been in place to control rent increases, will be ending in December of this year. However, it’s crucial to understand how RPZs work and their implications for landlords until their expiration. One of the factors determining both the amount of rent landlords can initially charge and how much it […]

8 Tips for First-Time Buy-to-Let Investors

KPM Group - Property Management Company Ireland - Landlord Tips Maximise Yield

Conduct Thorough Research Before investing in the buy-to-let market, make sure to research alternative investment options to determine the best fit for your goals. The buy-to-let market can be highly profitable, but it’s crucial to enter with a clear understanding of the potential pitfalls. Consult with industry experts and learn from their experiences. Location is […]

The Essential Guide to Being a Landlord in 2024

KPM Group - Property Management Company Ireland - KPM Group - Property Management Company Ireland - Fair Deal Scheme Changes 2022

As a landlord, staying up-to-date with the ever-changing regulations and best practices is crucial for success. 2024 brings new challenges and opportunities, and this guide will help you navigate the landscape with confidence. Know Your Rights and Responsibilities The Residential Tenancies Act 2004 governs landlord-tenant relations in Ireland. Understanding your rights and obligations is vital […]

Do I Need a Property Manager in 2024?

KPM Group - Property Management Company Ireland - Developing Your Property portfolio

Owning rental properties can be a lucrative investment, but it also comes with significant responsibilities. As a landlord, you’re tasked with finding and screening tenants, maintaining the property, handling repairs, collecting rent, and ensuring compliance with local laws and regulations. With the ever-changing real estate market and evolving tenant expectations, the decision to hire a […]

How Technology is Transforming the Property Investment Sector

In today’s digital age, technology has revolutionised almost every aspect of our lives, and the property investment sector is no exception. Advancements in technology have changed the way landlords and property management companies approach the market. These advancements offer convenience, efficiency, and opportunities for growth. These groundbreaking innovations are reshaping the landscape of property investment, […]

Landlord Tips and Tricks

KPM Group - Property Management Company Ireland - Landlord Tips: Reminder to register your tenancies

As a landlord, managing rental properties can be a rewarding yet challenging endeavour. To help you navigate this journey successfully, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of tips and tricks to ensure a smooth and profitable experience. Know Your Rights & Responsibilities Before embarking on your landlord journey, it’s crucial to familiarise yourself with the legal […]

5 Top Landlord Tips to Reduce Tenant Energy Usage

KPM Group - Property Management Company Ireland - Landlord Tips Energy Savings

As a landlord, one of your primary responsibilities is to ensure that your rental properties are energy-efficient and cost-effective for your tenants. With rising energy costs and an increasing emphasis on sustainability, implementing strategies to reduce energy usage not only benefits your tenants financially but also contributes to a greener environment. In this article, we’ll […]