New Law Allows Tenants First Refusal on Sale of Property

image of the goverment building in ireland where tax breaks for small landlords wil be discussed

The Irish government has approved new legislation that grants tenants the right of first refusal when their rented home is put up for sale. This significant change in property law aims to provide more security for tenants and potentially increase homeownership opportunities. What is the New Law? The Residential Tenancies (Amendment) (No.3) Bill 2024 introduces […]

How much tax do I pay on rental income in Ireland?

Renting out property in Ireland can be a great way to generate additional income. However, as a landlord, you have important tax obligations that must be properly handled. Calculating how much tax you’ll owe on rental profits involves several considerations. Here’s what landlords need to know about paying tax on rental income in Ireland: What […]

The Importance of Verifying Tenant Income

KPM Group - Property Management Company Ireland - KPM Group - Property Management Company Ireland - Fair Deal Scheme Changes 2022

Mitigating Risks through Income Verification As a landlord, one of the most critical steps to mitigate risk is confirming a prospective tenant’s ability to pay rent. Before signing a lease, it’s essential to require solid proof of income. This helps minimise the likelihood of missed payments or an early lease termination due to financial hardship […]

Why Is Now a Great Time to Buy an Investment Property in Ireland?

KPM Group - Property Management Company Ireland - Rural House Prices Rise Q1 2022

Ireland’s property market fundamentals are creating compelling opportunities for investors in rental accommodation, despite rising mortgage rates. Rapid population growth combined with an inadequate housing supply continues driving rents significantly higher across the country’s major cities. With strategic property selection and professional management, rental yields of 8-10% or higher are achievable – providing strong inflation-beating […]

How Property Managers Help Landlords Achieve Success

Being a landlord is no easy feat. From finding reliable tenants to handling maintenance issues, the responsibilities can quickly become overwhelming. That’s where professional property managers come in. At KPM Group, we understand the challenges landlords face, and our experienced team is dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions that alleviate the stress of property management. Tenant […]

Should I Sell or Rent My Property?

Property management ireland

One of the biggest decisions you’ll face as a property owner in Ireland is whether to sell or rent out your residential or commercial space. Both options have their own advantages and challenges, and the right choice depends on your specific circumstances and long-term goals. In this article, we’ll explore the key factors to consider […]

How to Avoid Problem Tenants: A Landlord’s Guide

Image of a man deciding to do buy to let

Being a landlord can be a rewarding venture, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges – one of which is dealing with problem tenants. From late rent payments to property damage, problem tenants can cause significant headaches and financial losses. To help you navigate this minefield, we’ve compiled a list of practical […]

Top Neighborhoods in Ireland for Profitable Rental Investment

KPM Group - Property Management Company Ireland - What is HAP?

Investing in rental real estate can be a lucrative way to build wealth, but choosing the right location is crucial. Ireland’s major cities like Dublin, Cork, and Galway offer plenty of appealing neighbourhoods for property investors to consider. Here are some of the top areas offering high rental prices, strong tenant demand, and potential for […]

New Green Regulations to Spark a ‘Green Rush’ in Commercial Real Estate 18 APRIL 2023

The Challenge of Sustainability in Real Estate The construction and real estate industries are among the biggest contributors to carbon emissions and consumers of energy. However, the sector has recently taken major strides toward rectifying this by adopting higher sustainability standards such as NZEB (nearly zero-emission building) and LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) […]

Tips on Becoming More Energy-Efficient


At KPM Group, we understand the importance of promoting energy efficiency in rental properties. As a leading property management company in Dublin, we are committed to helping landlords implement strategies that not only benefit their tenants but also contribute to a greener environment. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore five top tips that landlords […]